We just enjoyed Chinese New Year, a glorious month off of school where we could travel, lounge and enjoy a much quieter Shenzhen. That month off is an oasis in the desert of teaching English. The Chinese people traditionally return to their hometowns during this holiday. We could tell that many of our city neighbors Read More
Category: Thailand
Tango with mango sticky rice
It’s no secret I have a sweet tooth. If I have just eaten lunch or dinner, I probably want dessert. If I have just eaten dessert, I may want additional dessert. I can’t hide my love for chocolate, fruit and froyo so I’ve decided to embrace it. I also welcome any chance to try new Read More
Pepper Lunch: Sizzle-It-Yourself!
Only the Walters Gang would leave the United States to move to China, vacation in Thailand and while there find a great Japanese restaurant, Pepper Lunch. While staying in the Sukhumvit area of Bangkok we found a mall bursting with activity and places to eat. This mall offered food from around the world, it seemed. Read More