Wandering around The Grand Palace

(You’re about to read a post that contains affiliate links because we are Amazon affiliates. This just means that if you follow one of our links and make a qualifying purchase, we may receive a small commission or free products at no additional cost to you. But what will we do with the commissions?!? Read, Read More

ZZZ Hostel Don Mueang, Thailand

(You’re about to read a post that contains affiliate links because we are Amazon affiliates. This just means that if you follow one of our links and make a qualifying purchase, we may receive a small commission or free products at no additional cost to you. But what will we do with the commissions?!? Read, Read More

Mission back to happy

Back home in Hangzhou What an experience this Mission Back to Happy has been! I write this from our “home town” of Hangzhou, specifically from our friend Charley’s apartment. Booker sprawled on our guest bed, happy to be stationary for more than a half hour. I’ve had two cups of coffee and I’m kicked back Read More

Pool time at the Coco…Coco Kalaaaaaaaaa

Water we waiting for? In the beginning of  September we found ourselves with  a four-day weekend from school. This mini-break took the place of a holiday traditionally held in April, the Songkran Festival. (Original Songkran, also known as the water festival, was postponed due to Covid. Check out this list of things to do during Read More

We’ll always remember the elephants in Thailand

We love going places. Even after we’ve arrived in a new place, before long, we’re thinking about going to another new place! We haven’t been in China a year yet but when we had vacation from school, we were very excited to hop on a plane and see Thailand. We’ve tried to take pictures to Read More