About Us

We love our life!  

My partner Kim and I come from very different backgrounds and we found each other in a non-traditional way. She has a wanderer’s soul and I tend to try to settle in wherever I am. We mentally process things differently and our personalities are not alike much of the time, but opposites do attract. We love each other and there’s no one else I would rather travel the world with than her. And if she has to be “stuck” in the same place for longer than a year, I bet she’d choose me to be stuck with. Right babe? Babe???  Here’s a little about us, we love our life, your world our way.

All About Us


She’s been in a near-constant state of motion since she was born. She’s been across the country more than once and a few years ago, backpacked around Central America with her daughters Tayler, now 21, and Aubrie, 18. Kim is a certified massage therapist with a bachelor’s degree in health and wellness. She is also a certified doula and Reiki practitioner. Always up for an adventure, she likes to try new things and explore new places. Except IPAs and Brazil nuts. She does not like either of those things, which is great because that leaves more for me.


I am not nearly as worldly as Kim, but I have lived in four different states and someday I’d like to drive around the country and visit national landmarks, like the Grand Canyon, the redwood and sequoia national forests, and the world’s largest chicken wing. I can totally imagine Kim and I in our 60’s doing this road trip and I have a tattoo of what we’ll be driving on my right calf. See?  Kim has broadened my view of the world and myself in it and even though we haven’t always had easy conversations about beginning our adventures, I am beyond thankful that she lets me tag along and write about what we do. So far we’ve lived in Maine and Shenzhen, China. We just moved north to Hangzhou, China.


Tayler, the older daughter, took a page out of her mumma’s book, going out to explore the world on her own. After completing her freshman year of college (first semester at Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania and second semester at UMaine Orono,) Tay adventured off to Thailand to work and figure out what she wants to do for the rest of her life. Good luck with that, girrrrl! When she came back from Thailand, Tay decided to get her own car and settle down a little in Maine.

While we were living in Shenzhen, China, Tayler stayed behind,  quickly finding “this boy” named Chris. It wasn’t long before Kim and I were back in Maine for their wedding in August 2019!


Aubrie, the last bird in the nest, in all her exuberance for life, excels at everything she tries, especially taking selfies. And landscapes. And group shots. She actually takes really good pictures and we’re hoping she’ll be our photographer extraordinaire, documenting our adventures along the way when she’s not busy on Snap chat and Insta. Aubs loves playing softball and talking to people. We can’t wait to see where her life takes her.

She lived with us in Shenzhen for about a year before flying home to Maine to help prepare for Tayler’s wedding. The world is truly Aubrie’s oyster; we don’t know if she’ll crack it open or stay local in the US just yet. Stay tuned for that.


I should also mention sweet Nik, who is Kim’s oldest offspring. In his mid-twenties now, he is making a life for himself in southern New England, near where Kim spent much of her youth. An accomplished car salesman, Nik abruptly switched career paths and started his own blossoming (did you see what I did there?) landscaping business. Tilley hat on his head and shovel in hand, he steadily spread love and mulch around New Hampshire and Maine.

While we were preparing to move to China, Nik made his own life-changing move to Ohio to flip houses for a while. Now he’s back in the northeast, working mostly in Portland, ME.

Your world our way.

Wherever we go, we will find adventure, good food and drink and good people. We will bring the love! And maybe some shenanigans.  It’s  all about us, we love our life, your world our way.  You can also follow our adventures on our instagram here.

“It’s your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.”

                                ~ Rumi